Tuesday 9 July 2013

Automating CRM 2011 Solution Backup - Programmatically (Import , Create, Retrieve Solution)

Recently i was working in CRM 2011 customizations, after completion of the customization , i have Exported the solution for my backup purpose. This i planned to automate daily. So i have created one Asp.net program to Automate this backup process.

The following sample shows how to export the solution from CRM online and save it in specified location.

Step 1 : Create a “Console Application” in Visual studio under Visual C# templates.
Step 2 : Give the Project and Solution Name, Make sure that .Net Framework must be 4.
Step 3 : Click “Ok”.



Step 4: Add the following References to the project from sdk\bin folder
             CRM References – Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy , Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk
             .Net References – System.ServiceModel, System.Runtime.Serialization,System.Security

Step 5 : Right Click the “ExportCRMonlineSolution” project and click “Add Existing Item”.
              Select “deviceidmanager.cs” from the sdk folder. (sdk\samplecode\cs\helpercode)

Your “Solution Explorer” should look like this.

Step 6 :  Add the following Namespace to the project.

using System.ServiceModel;
using System.IO;
using System.ServiceModel.Description;
using System.Net;
using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client;
using Microsoft.Crm.Services.Utility;

Step 7 : Now Add the below code in the Main

       string userName = "<CRM online username>";
       string passWord = "<CRM online password>";
       string SolName = "<solution which is available in online CRM>";

       ClientCredentials credentials = new ClientCredentials();
       credentials.UserName.UserName = userName;
       credentials.UserName.Password = passWord;

       credentials.Windows.ClientCredential = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
       Uri organizationUri = new Uri("<crm online organization service url>");
       Uri homeRealmUri = null;
    # region Getting Current datetime information -- This is not mandatory we can skip
       string fileDate = DateTime.Now.Date.ToShortDateString();
       string formatedDate = fileDate.Replace("/", "-");
       string fileTime = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString().Replace(" ", "-");
       string formatedTime = fileTime.ToString().Replace(":", "-");
       string finalformat = formatedDate+"_"+formatedTime;

       using (OrganizationServiceProxy serviceProxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(organizationUri, homeRealmUri, credentials, GetDeviceCredentials()))
                 String outputDir = @"C:\temp\";

                 ExportSolutionRequest expsolreq = new ExportSolutionRequest();
                 expsolreq.Managed = false;
                 expsolreq.SolutionName = SolName;

                 ExportSolutionResponse expsolres = (ExportSolutionResponse)serviceProxy.Execute(expsolreq);

                 byte[] exportXml = expsolres.ExportSolutionFile;
                 string filename = SolName + "_" + finalformat + ".zip";
                 File.WriteAllBytes(outputDir + filename, exportXml);
                 Console.WriteLine("Solution Exported to {0}", outputDir + filename);


Step 8 :   Add the below method outside of the Main – This is to get the deviceid credentials for the particular running machine. This is required for CRM online.

        private static ClientCredentials GetDeviceCredentials()
            return Microsoft.Crm.Services.Utility.DeviceIdManager.LoadOrRegisterDevice();

Step : 9 Your complete project looks likes the below

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

using System.ServiceModel;
using System.IO;
using System.ServiceModel.Description;
using System.Net;
using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client;
using Microsoft.Crm.Services.Utility;

namespace ExportSolution
    public class Program
        static public void Main(string[] args)

     string userName = "<CRM online username>";
            string passWord = "<CRM online password>";
            string SolName = "<solution which is available in online CRM>";

            ClientCredentials credentials = new ClientCredentials();
            credentials.UserName.UserName = userName;
            credentials.UserName.Password = passWord;

            credentials.Windows.ClientCredential = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
            Uri organizationUri = new Uri("<crm online organization service url>");
            Uri homeRealmUri = null;

            # region Getting Current datetime information -- This is not mandatory we can skip

            string fileDate = DateTime.Now.Date.ToShortDateString();
            string formatedDate = fileDate.Replace("/", "-");
            string fileTime = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString().Replace(" ", "-");
            string formatedTime = fileTime.ToString().Replace(":", "-");
            string finalformat = formatedDate+"_"+formatedTime;

                 using (OrganizationServiceProxy serviceProxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(organizationUri, homeRealmUri, credentials, GetDeviceCredentials()))
                     String outputDir = @"C:\temp\";

                     ExportSolutionRequest expsolreq = new ExportSolutionRequest();
                     expsolreq.Managed = false;
                     expsolreq.SolutionName = SolName;

                     ExportSolutionResponse expsolres = (ExportSolutionResponse)serviceProxy.Execute(expsolreq);

                     byte[] exportXml = expsolres.ExportSolutionFile;
                     string filename = SolName + "_" + finalformat + ".zip";
                     File.WriteAllBytes(outputDir + filename, exportXml);
                     Console.WriteLine("Solution Exported to {0}", outputDir + filename);

        private static ClientCredentials GetDeviceCredentials()
            return Microsoft.Crm.Services.Utility.DeviceIdManager.LoadOrRegisterDevice();

Step 10 : Now Build the solution, also check that Framework should be in 4.

Step 11 : Press F5 to run the program. Solution zip file must be saved in the mentioned output directory.

Also we can do

  • Create a publisher.
  • Retrieve the default publisher.
  • Create a solution.
  • Retrieve a solution.
  • Add an existing solution component.
  • Remove a solution component.
  • Install or upgrade a solution.
  • Delete a solution.
To do this points please go through this complete post.

Try this out and Post your comments......     Thanks.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I'm having trouble getting this code to work, exception error on the
    using (OrganizationServiceProxy serviceProxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(organizationUri, homeRealmUri, credentials, GetDeviceCredentials()))

    Can you help me understand where / what the SolName value should be as i'm struggling to find it.

  2. Hi,
    You have to add "DeviceidManager.cs" from sdk. Also make sure you have added, "Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk"and other required references.

    Please try this or send me ur project to my mailid. (karthikmathis@gmail.com").

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